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Kit 1

Mouth FX is a temporary oral coloration system designed to safely and effectively color the inside of the mouth. Mouth FX contains a sweet vanilla-mint flavor that is made entirely of FDA food grade ingredients and each color is vegan, gluten-free, peanut-free, sugar-free and cruelty-free. Mouth FX comes in five different colors - available individually or together in one kit (Includes carrying case and carabiner clip). Mouth FX is created by Dan Gilbert and Necessary Evil FX.

Kit of all 5 Mouth FX colors and save! Kit includes carrying case and carabiner clip for easy transportation to set. Colors includes; Pitch Black, Down Brown, Feeling Blue, Blood Red and Yuck Yellow

Product ID: MouthFXKit

Available now

44,20 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 0.3 kg


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