Products by application
such as Lifecasting, Sculpting, Molding, Casting, Mak-eup, Stunts, Dentalwork, Study and Kits.
Body Molding
lifecasting aplications: alginate's, silicones and plaster bandages. more
Ceramic Molds
reproduce plaster molds for the ceramics industrie. more
Flexible Molds
used for casting hard materials like concrete, gypsum, resins etc. more
Hard Molds
used for casting flexible materials like foams and silicones, also used to support flexibl ... more
Molds for Candle Making
excellent for making molds that are strong, durable and dimensionally stable more
Molds for Concrete
long lasting rubbers fit for concrete casting and stamping. more
Molds for Food
Special food grade silicones and plastics. FDA approved. more
Support Shells
for mother molds and function wellas support shell. more
Vacuum Forming Molds
Extra hard plastics to make vacuum form models. more
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Casting Concrete
quality long lasting rubbers for concrete casting and stamping. more
Cold Casting
cold castings and other fillers; plastic and metal powders. more
Large Objects
rotational casting and resins specially developed for large objects. more
Medium Objects
Products fit for casting medium sized objects with detail and ease. more
Small Objects
PU-resins are excellent for casting miniature figurines like game figures, ches piece, etc ... more
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Special properties
can be brushed on sculpted styrene or polyurethane foam. more
Clear Casting & Coating
clear casting resins, polyester, epoxies, polyurethanes, silicones - both flexible and rig ... more
Rubber Glass for special effects and display applications. Encapso® K is a water clear enc ... more
Epoxy Coatings
for laminating by hand. They cure at room temperature and have exceptional abrasion resist ... more
Flame Rated
Flame retarding and fire proof materials more
Performance Resins
used for a variety of projects, but mainly used for industrial (design) applications. more
Semi Rigids
semi-rigid plastics with excellent impact resistance. more
Sprayable Products
is a spraysystem for rubbers, plastics and foams. Saves time & labor costs over hand-appli ... more
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*Alle Preise incl. Umsatzsteuer, zuzüglich