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Artex 80gr

Artex is ideal for the creation of 3D skin effects such as wounds, scars and burns – and for concealing unwanted skin anomalies. Carefully mix equal parts (1:1) and apply to the skin. You can create the desired effect immediately after application. The curing process begins after 5-6 minutes. Once the plastic substance has dried, create the desired color design. As soon as the product is set changes are no longer possible. The final effect can be made up with any kind of Kryolan’s grease paint or Body Illustration Color. To create a natural complexion mix Flocking into Artex. Apply powder to set. Artex remains flexible on the skin and can be removed by simply pulling it off. Artex is odorless. To prevent drying out, be sure to carefully close the container after every use. Store Artex in a cool and dry place. Store only in original packaging container. This is a special effects product, and not a cosmetics item. Keep away from children.

Product ID: KryArtex80gr

Available now

33,98 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 0.1 kg


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