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Dab Molding Release / 6,5 ml

Are you tired of working FOR those mediocre spray release agents that make releasing a Prosthetic Transfer more difficult and time consuming than it needs to be? We agreed - there had to be a better way of getting the perfect releasing Pros-aide Transfer without all the hard work other release agents require...

DAB Molding Release was created to assure you the best result when demolding your Prosthetic Transfers. DAB eliminates wasted material caused by edges snagging during the demold process and also minimizes the additional steps commonly required with alternative release agents.

With 1 drop of DAB you can give yourself...

The Perfect Release - ZERO frustrating demold snags.

No more grimy residue - removes having to wash your Prosthetic Transfers after demold.

200+ Releases per bottle

A tacky transfer - ready to apply once it's dry!

FREEDOM - from hazardous chemicals or respirators

Spare time - quick and easy to apply with no additional steps.

Product ID: PTMDab6ml

Available now

12,03 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 0.1 kg


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  • Molding

    flexible and rigid molding for all sorts of objects.

  • Casting

    a wide range of flexible and rigid casting materials.

  • Special Properties

  • Composites

    resins, poyester, epoxy, acrylic resin, glass fibres etc.

  • Foam

    expanding flexible and rigid foams, rigid blocks.

  • Restoration

    restoring in- and exterior ornaments and buildings.

  • Prototyping

    resins and other materials used for rapid prototyping.

  • Textile

  • Cosplay

    Products to make your own Cosplay Costumes and Props!

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