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Monstermakers Foam Latex Prosthetic grade /25kg

Velvety soft foam with very fine cells for shapes with beautiful flared contours. Monster Makers foam is suitable for a variety of applications ranging from stop-motion puppets, prosthetic make-up, FX Make-up, costumes, big-animatronic Creature suits for Film and Television. Each kit comes with detailed instructions and all the necessary components for making foam. You can choose from animatronic or prosthetic grade kits. Depending on your application, the foam can be baked into molds made of aluminum, stone, polyester, epoxy and silicone. Latex foam is a very economical solution for all types of makeup effects and is still considered the backbone of the makeup F/X industry.

Product ID: MMFoamLatex5GallonKi

Available now

350,00 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 28 kg


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  • Molding

    flexible and rigid molding for all sorts of objects.

  • Casting

    a wide range of flexible and rigid casting materials.

  • Special Properties

  • Composites

    resins, poyester, epoxy, acrylic resin, glass fibres etc.

  • Foam

    expanding flexible and rigid foams, rigid blocks.

  • Restoration

    restoring in- and exterior ornaments and buildings.

  • Prototyping

    resins and other materials used for rapid prototyping.

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  • Cosplay

    Products to make your own Cosplay Costumes and Props!

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