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Epoxacast 692 Clear /25.4kg

EpoxAcast™ 692 Deep Pour is an UV resistant clear casting epoxy resins suitable for a variety of industrial and art related projects requiring a rigid, clear finished casting. EpoxAcast™ 692 features a very low viscosity for easy mixing and minimal bubble entrapment. Castings cure with negligible shrinkage and are very hard and strong. Resin can be colored with UVO™ or IGNITE™ colorants. Cast Magic™ and Glow Worm™ powders can also be added to create amazing casting effects.


There are 2 ways to process these resins, using standard casting and fan-cooled casting techniques.

Standard Casting - Using a standard casting method, EpoxAcast™ 692 Deep Pour has a maximum casting thickness of 3.81 cm. Material should be poured and cured at an ambient temperature of 21°C.

Fan-Cooled Casting - To use a fan-cooled casting method, inexpensive box fans are placed near the curing epoxy to circulate air across the surface of the casting. This assists in cooling the material, allowing for thicker castings. Using a fancooled pouring method, EpoxAcast™ 692 Deep Pour has a maximum casting thickness of 5.08cm. Material should be poured at an ambient temperature of 21°C

Product ID: EpoxAcast692xx

Available soon

897,80 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 30 kg


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