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Free Form™Air /0,92 kg

After mixing, Free Form™AIR can be pressed into a mold to make a lightweight, detailed casting. It will hold vertical surfaces and can be applied to almost any surface including polystyrene foam for rough sculpting. Free Form™AIR putty can also be used to make rigid support shells or mother molds.

Epoxy Laminating: Laminate Free Form™AIR putty in between layers of EpoxAmite™ Laminating Epoxy and fiberglass cloth, carbon or other fiber for making lightweight composite parts. Eliminates the need to make multiple layers of laminating with liquid epoxy; saves time and labor. Epoxy Tooling Applications – use as a filleting material. Also good for jig and fixture construction.

Used as a lightweight adhesive, Free Form™AIR will bond to itself and a variety of surfaces including wood, stone and EpoxAcoat™ surface coat epoxy. Free Form™AIR will even cure under water.

Pot Life/Working Time: this material is mass sensitive. The more material you mix at one time, the less time you have to work with it. Working tip; If mixing a large quantity, flatten putty with a rolling pin to reduce mass concentration and extend pot life.

Thickness : 3.81 cm – pot life is 30 minutes - handling time is 2.5 hours - full cure in 24 hours.
Thickness : 0.95 cm – pot life is 60 minutes - handling time is 4 hours - full cure in 24 hours.
Thickness : 0.32 cm - pot life is 120 minutes - handling time is 8 hours - full cure in 24 hours.

Product ID: FreeFormAirpint

Available now

43,91 EUR

additional. 0% VAT and shipping Versand
Weight: 1.2 kg


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